Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bend over Backwards: How far? Will it break one day?

The question that always been asked by so many is that how far would you go for someone or something or will it be a whatever it takes situation for you to get what you want? Sounds familiar. Well, we all had to do or had done lotsa things in our live that require us to take extreme measures/actions.

Let’s take for example stuff which reality tvs are made of. Extreme make-overs and similar stuff like that. People would endure pain for beauty. Other instances, when was the last time that you went all the way to a certain place to get a certain thing which u know the person receiving it would really appreciated it a lot even though it meant that you will suffer or inconvenience you very much.

We’ve done all this and more. Definitely. A reminder at this juncture, our “back” has a limit to which u can bend it. It will break and when it does things will never be the same again. The point that I’m getting at is that in reality, all of u have our breaking points. Some are short and others are long. When it happens, your relations, physical being, emotions and matters related to the action which you do will be affected greatly in a negative sense.

All of us take those kind of risk. I’m not saying don’t or its bad. We just need to know really where is our breaking point and how much elasticity do we have for us to embark in the action. If our elasticity or tolerance level is very high (not many has that) the risk of getting hurt is close to zero. If not, weigh our options carefully. Is it worth it? Most of us don’t. That’s when we get hurt real bad and really long recovery period.

Of course one more thing to highlight is that some of us with high tolerance and constantly will to bend over backwards will be and are taken advantage of by the people around us. This coupled with the earlier end result will not be good at all.

Sound negative yah… it is as its meant to be a precautionary matter that we present here. But, in life we still need to bend over backwards for others as it’s part of the spirit of giving. If not the other extreme is that we’ll lose the sense of giving or sacrificing oneself for the good of other.

So what do we do? We just need to take things/actions in moderations.

Now if that’s not the answer….well, search deep in yourself and the higher power for guidance.

You will make the right actions and decisions.

Just don’t be a heartless or cold person….


Mira said...

Definitely it will break one day. We are all human and sometimes it takes just a little gesture to show appreciation for someone who could go an extra mile for a friend. But alas, not many people would. True friends are hard to find. Even those whom u know for a long time and u thought u knew would turn around to backstab you. I see too many selfish people around who only values their own welfare as such. What to do? That's Life. Right?

Mira said...

Pak cik - link me, comment me and tag me!! Geee~~~~~

Fitri said...

Weighing the risk ..choose the best andact in moderation is the best option I think....just sometimes..we do need to test ur to challenge own limit ..as long as never be yond thebreaking point. :-) glad to read what your mind says