Thursday, July 31, 2008


The art of giving up something or forgoing certain things are deemed to be the act of sacrifice. In some countries or ethnics in the past, its define as giving up a person's life. Wtih the 2 extreme definations, we can see that the meaning is the same but the act is different depending on the situation, time, place or person(s).
Why do we do such acts? What sort of acts have we done lately? To what extent have we done such acts? Is parting from 50cents a sacrifice or a million dollars is? What value can we pegg to this act? So have we ask these questions lately to ourselves or its never in our mind to do at all?
Oh yes, one big question we should ask ourselves. Is it worth to sacrifice in the 1st place? Are the humans around us worth sacrificing for? Or should we be that person who thinks for ourselves and do things only for ourselves?
A few person ever told me that you got to be cruel to be kind and why bother about others when they only take and never give. We have given so much but no one ever return the favour or at least appreciate our act of selflessness. Why should we be bothered about sacrificing for others when they only know is to take advantage of us?
At some point in time in our lives, we have felt that way or say those things or even done those things. I know I have (at least in my heart). hahaha...
I began to think and reflect. What is or was my main sincere intention? Is my sacrifice that great or so selfless that if no one says thanks I will die or be impaired. The answer I gave myself is NO! It will not give me detrimental effect on myself.
When ever I do or did that act, its all about having the blessings from the One above. Its nothing more. Yes, people whom I have sacrifice for will or may or have failed me over and over again but I take that they are jus ignorant of their behaviours. I'm not really doing for me but for them. If im doing it for me, then I deserve every credit to the last drop.
One thing for certain that I know is sacrifice are never fun, its never enjoyable and never on a light side. At times I do ask myself is it worth it. Its for me to know and well... not for you to find out...:-)
Of course, I'm not saying that I sacrifice everyday for everyone or its my hobby. But I'm consistently reminding myself that sacrificing is a very noble act and its not about getting returns from anyone. And at the end of the day, I and only I will make the decision to do it or not as only I will be responsible for my own actions and decisions.
Live and let Live... I pray that the One above will guide me in my decision making and the journey I take in my life.


Fitri said...

I like the most ur 2nd last paragraph .. Yeah .. sacrifice is not for getting reward(s) from others ..the bless from the only ONE it is ...

Caieja said...

Don't be too stingy to give... We never know when it is returned to us. Maybe not through the same route, but hey, it maybe from better route.

Never give up on kindness...

It sometimes hurt, but worth believing in.