Thursday, July 31, 2008


The art of giving up something or forgoing certain things are deemed to be the act of sacrifice. In some countries or ethnics in the past, its define as giving up a person's life. Wtih the 2 extreme definations, we can see that the meaning is the same but the act is different depending on the situation, time, place or person(s).
Why do we do such acts? What sort of acts have we done lately? To what extent have we done such acts? Is parting from 50cents a sacrifice or a million dollars is? What value can we pegg to this act? So have we ask these questions lately to ourselves or its never in our mind to do at all?
Oh yes, one big question we should ask ourselves. Is it worth to sacrifice in the 1st place? Are the humans around us worth sacrificing for? Or should we be that person who thinks for ourselves and do things only for ourselves?
A few person ever told me that you got to be cruel to be kind and why bother about others when they only take and never give. We have given so much but no one ever return the favour or at least appreciate our act of selflessness. Why should we be bothered about sacrificing for others when they only know is to take advantage of us?
At some point in time in our lives, we have felt that way or say those things or even done those things. I know I have (at least in my heart). hahaha...
I began to think and reflect. What is or was my main sincere intention? Is my sacrifice that great or so selfless that if no one says thanks I will die or be impaired. The answer I gave myself is NO! It will not give me detrimental effect on myself.
When ever I do or did that act, its all about having the blessings from the One above. Its nothing more. Yes, people whom I have sacrifice for will or may or have failed me over and over again but I take that they are jus ignorant of their behaviours. I'm not really doing for me but for them. If im doing it for me, then I deserve every credit to the last drop.
One thing for certain that I know is sacrifice are never fun, its never enjoyable and never on a light side. At times I do ask myself is it worth it. Its for me to know and well... not for you to find out...:-)
Of course, I'm not saying that I sacrifice everyday for everyone or its my hobby. But I'm consistently reminding myself that sacrificing is a very noble act and its not about getting returns from anyone. And at the end of the day, I and only I will make the decision to do it or not as only I will be responsible for my own actions and decisions.
Live and let Live... I pray that the One above will guide me in my decision making and the journey I take in my life.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jack of all trades... Master of none

We all have our moments. We have people came up to us and said "Wow, that's a nice work you have there!" Or " What a great piece your created!" Or " You are simply brilliant at what you do!" But this happens only on that occasion. Of course we try our hands on almost everything and anything that gives us pleasure and satisfaction.

Some of us draw while others paint...Some write beautiful poetries while others create awesome stories. Even to some a great flip on a BMX bicycle to training others to shape them up are what gave them satisfaction. These are what people call as hobbies if they are not in a work environment. To others even their work or career gave them the satisfaction which others get from their hobbies. I know people from the social service gave their all for their job and clientele.

Well. We ordinary people could only imagine what these great artists, sportsmen, enterprenuers and social cause activities does in their day to day lives. We are no specialist how ever we want to be. These people who are experts in their field are so natural that we thought to ourselves that when they were borne, they could already run. True to some like beethovan, einstien, jackie chan and even those photographers that produce beautiful pieces on every issue of the National Geography.

We aspire to be them thus we embark on our little humble journeys to take on the areas or activities that these people do. We take courses and/or practise the routines so that we could possibly reach somewhere kinda close to them. But ordinary people like us are prone to have multiple interest and so we take on not just a couple of stuff to do but sometimes array of activities. For one probably we have time on our hands and we need to fill up our live with not just mundane day-to-day work-eat-sleep routine.

However, we can't quite reach the level of expertise that these individuals had perfected. So we try to suffice by having a few that we like and execute them. We would recieve comments by people around us that " I dont really know what you want in your life. You practically take up almost different things/acitivties every time I meet you."

It made us think that are we aimless in our lives or are we just people who follow our hearts or even are we the tall grass in a field that follows the direction of the wind and will continue to do that for the rest of our lives.

It should not be the case. The end of the day once we start to do something we will finish it. If we learn to do some craft we gotta make sure that we learn to execute the best to our abilities. Those who follows the wind are those who have in their kitchen half baked ideas or projects.

We may not be experts in the field which we are in but we sure know how to finish what we started on.. For life itself is a learning journey from the cradle to the grave. There's always something new for us to do and explore and gain.

The day we stop learning is the day we die. To that effect let others say what they want on us not being the masters of our trade but we jolly well know that we had put in our heart and soul to ensure what we give back is the best to our capablities.

Our passion will burn for the things we do. We benchmark against others but we never fail to believe in oursleves and what we do. Materialistic or spiritual. We are always in constant reflection and kaizen for ourself so that at the end of the day whatever we "produce" will be the best that we know how for that moment in time.

Strive to excel in whatever we do. For one day there will be a moment event for a split second that we are the expert in the field.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

The patels of friendship...

Just imagine that today you went to your nearest horticulture store and bought yourself a seed for the most beautiful rose you had ever seen when you passed by a flower shop yesterday. You are all inspired to grow yourself that particular breed of rose that is so deeply intrench in you mind and in your heart.

Immediately upon reaching home you took our your pot, ur soil and the full range of gardening equipment(probably the most expensive one at it. At this point we all know that you dont have the slightest experience in gardening let a lone to grow a flower) Well, you read the instruction and with high spirit, you place a layer of soil followed by the seed and covered with the rest of the soil. Finally, fertilizers and water to add to the final touch. In your heart you said... I've done a dandy job and very soon my beautiful flower will become a reality. Days went by and daily you water the pot with soil and seed. Weeks past....Alas, the seed grew into a plant and then you got busy with other stuff in your life and the plant is left it so called its natural device...
A couple of days later when you finally remembered the potted plant that you had left outside your window. To your surprise, you dont see a flower but a witherd plant... Very dissapointed.

Well, you are not about to give up. you can still remember the beautiful flower that you had seen... ever so beautiful... So you went to the store an bought a seed. This time you ask the store owner what went wrong.. got a few tips and you head home to start the whole process again. This time you put in consistent effort and dedication to growing the seed into a plant and eventually the beautiful rose that you had seen at the flower shop a year back.

Your heart jump with joy that all the effort and dedication which you had put into growing the rose was a success. The next couple of days, you admire and enjoy its beauty through and through. At times you are also hurt by the thrones of the rose.. but your wounds heal eventually...

But to your surprise, weeks pasted and slowly but eventually, your beautiful rose began to wither and one of the day all its magnificent patels just drop of and what remains is only the but of the rose...

In your heart, you know that nothing last forever...But its was really worth it while it last... as the memories that the rose had brought with it was worth every single sweat that came out from the effort you put in growing the rose.

We may not have grown a flower in reality but we have done similar things in our life especially in our social circle. All of us grow relations and friendship from nothing which is a seed. None of us really know how to grow the relations...every single relations are as unique as we ourselves.

Definitely there are moments that the relations didnt work because we didnt put in consistent effort while others are affected by external factors.

But even when we consistently put in effort in building relations or friendship... it is so very easy to lose friends or people who we got acquinted with ... We contant ly tell ourselves that nothing last forever and get all depress and gives up in starting the whole process again..

We must remember that in any relations or friendship, at times what is important are the memories that are left behind when it comes to an end...

So is it worth it? You be the judge of it....

Any relationship is fragile and requires constant care by both party... its hard enough to find and built and its very easy to loose it


Thursday, February 21, 2008

EQ + IQ = An Individual

Is it funny how people are in general?

(Ya!..coming from a person who can also be classified as people) Emotions and our thoughts actually are the things that makes us so human and sometimes even worst than the wildest beast.

And yet we have existed for years on this Earth. What a blessing... Those 2 factors are what gives us strength through the darkest hours and they will also be our downfall in the brightest day.

We are in constant effort of trying to decipher others through their emotions and thoughts plus actions (of course... a manifestion of the 2 factors)

But we are never right in this guessing game. It leads to miscommunication and whole lot of trouble in our relations with others. Its always through our daily encounter with the person(s) that we are able to roughly gauge their emotion and thoughts (unless they tell us..duh)

Well, one thing for certain, I am for one will always be learning through my mistakes and I can restassure that I will not stop making those mistakes as everyday brings with it a new set of puzzle to be deciphered.

I just hope that people around will continue to be tolerant and forgive me for all my mistakes that I have done, doing and will be doing..

Its a life's journey that we al have to take until we reach our ends...

Have a cheerful day ahead

Monday, January 21, 2008

Excuse me..May I know where's the Lost & Found Dept in this LIFE?

Lost & found is part and parcel of any shopping centre.. hehe lame..

Seriously that is part of life. We all will loose something or someone like it or not. Sometimes due to our carelessness or othertimes ue to fate. Unfortunately, these are inevitable as if those things/people are meant to be lost.. so be it..But with every lost it does tear us apart in short term or long term...

We tears whenever we thing about the things/people we lost every no and then... most people who dont encounter this especially a lost of a very dear person the impact will be so great that it take sometimes years to recover and move on... its life and time.. These 2 dont stop for us as individuals..I jus say the movie "The time machine" twice.. the story or message in it is quite simple and true to some extend.. Try to watch it..

However, we always have this tendancy as humans find something new in things or relations to keep us going and strong to go through more life's offering of challenges.
That's what I always call as the beauty of life..

To those who have lost people that they dear so much, I respect you all for it will eventually make you a stronger and more learnered person. Learn to cherish who we have now...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Notice and the Epic proportion reality show

Plenty of times we walk pass a fallen leaf, flower, cat, bird or anything but we always gave them a missed. Subconciously, we didn't quite bother to notice the things or people around us until they are in our face/path. Even then, we can casually avoid them or walk over them.

Dont you think that these things or people are individuals who are waiting to be noticed by us. We can casuallly say that we are focused in what we are doing or couldn't be bothered with the surroundings because ourselves are more important. Or what we face in our lives are more destressing or even life threatening. And of course no one else's problems are as great as what we are going through.

Well, think again.

Probably also we can somewhat blame the society which we live in that makes us who we are.. Busy INDIVIDUALS that has no time or effort to even notice what is going on around us or who is around us that probably facing more dire need of assistance.

Plain simple english = selfish or ignorant. A cliche : Ignorance is Bliss. But Ignoring is intentional. Why do some thinkers say take time to smell the roses? We need to stop think/ponder or enjoy our surrounding as ....Guess What we dont live alone in this Island called Singapore or this planet called Earth.

We share with others like us or unlike us. This is not about trying to preach on how we should help the needy or less fortunate. That I leave up to the many different NGOs. What we are syaing here is that have you ever notice that cat that you pass by every single morning is hurt today or the old lady that sits under your void deck every day is semi blind or your friend/colleague today had face with a sickness or lost of a love one.

We only will notice these people or things when we slow down our pace life. Of course noticing is not the end. Some of you might say so I notice all this what.

The so What is actually what can we do about it. It can be that we can help. It could be that there's a lesson waiting to be learn. It could also be an idea begging to be recieved by you the beholder of the brain.

At times, we we start noticing things it could incidentally add a skill called meticulous/having an eye for detail for the next job or task or project in your career/life.

Who knows...

Some times all we need to do is put a little prayer in our heart for the individual/animal that is facing a situation or wishing good things to be bless upon them... You probably not know this but the higher power may jus return the favour to you or your life by multiple folds.

Well, lets put it this way ... Do learn to notice your surrounding environment or people... It will bring you more good then harm...

A disclaimer...Jus dont be a KPO or busybody in prying too much into others lifes then its ok

What goes around comes around

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cross Roads

I still remember the 1st time I learn to drive as well as to ride in a driving circuit. I have to go through lotsa traffic junctions and crossroads. It was done over and over again... Funny though how life is so similar to this driving circuit. Every minute and second of our very existance require us to make a decision = we are always at a junction of our action. We always need to decide whether to go straight, turn right or turn left. Unfortunately for life itself, its always a one way street. We can't make a u-turn or turn back or even reverse. ThaT's a fact which we got to live with. Thus, mistakes and errors that we have done can't be undone.

Another interesting fact about our lives crossroads is that we will not be able to see what's on the right and left of our decision. We are only able to see the outcome of our decisions after we have done them. It seems as though we are blocked by tall buildings and the only way to know what's on the right and left is to turn. Very amusing.

With all this hinderance and barriers to our daily decision making process, we as humans are equiped with experiences and certain traits to asisst us in making certain decision. Of course, I didnt say that these decision will always be the right one but we take the learning experience and continue with our journey of life until we reach our next crossroad or our final destination.

Something worth pondering...

Have a nice day